Warning from Google: We’ve found a problem with your IAB TC string on one or more of your sites or apps
Many publishers today may have received a red color message in their Google Adsense admin panels.
The text is as follows:
We’ve found a problem with your IAB TC string on one or more of your sites or apps. These errors may affect your ability to serve ads to users in Europe. You can find a detailed report on the EU User Consent page.
There are references to fix the problem.
Our advice is to do nothing for now.
It is probably a bug or the problem is related to a very small part of the ads coming from Google.
There is no way to delete the message in the panel.
The problem has existed in the past.
Commenters indicate that the message disappears after only 7-8 days.
According to others, it can appear repeatedly and for months.
Here is one of the tips:
In principle you would not have to do anything, it is just a warning for the admin account.
the internal adsense system itself should fix this (because that is out of the possibilities as a user or administrators accounts)
Try to disable the message, remove the main Adsense code from your website (warning: DON’T remove the domain from your adsense panel, DON’T) and clear the cache of your website.. Wait maybe 20minutes or 1 hour for an hour , and then restore everything.
till now there is no other solution than deactivating the Adsense message and using another cookie consent management system that does not use the TCF