Horoscope for Tuesday, April 9: Orange and tangerines to eat zodiac sign
On April 9, Gemini should eat at least one orange or tangerine for peristalsis.
Here is the horoscope in Lamiata
Be prepared for your achievements, as well as your usual working methods, to be questioned. This day will require you to calmly accept criticism, to support your position with well-thought-out arguments, to analyze other people’s mistakes, and to draw the right conclusions from all this. From the point of view of personal relationships, the day is arranged quite successfully and gives you the opportunity to spend time with the people dearest to you. Pleasant surprises are possible, and unexpected love confessions are not excluded, in parallel with interesting acquaintances.
A favorable day for activities that require not only knowledge and experience, but also fantasy. You will have the opportunity to express yourself, to shine with your hitherto unexpressed intellect and exceptional talents. Indeed, around you there will be not only admirers, but also envious – detractors, and that – quite determined. So you have to be very careful with contacts. If you want changes in your personal life, do not expect mercy from nature and gifts from fate, but act independently.
The stars always favor the one who is ready to show initiative.
No one said that love is a bouquet of two dozen roses! They only said that it would be good if so. But let’s start over: sometimes it’s daisies, sometimes it’s marigold, and sometimes it’s a thorn bush that continues to sting for hours after you’ve touched it. So leave this lovely garden of feelings and gather your rosebuds while you have the chance….
Focus on citrus fruits today.
Such a charming and cheerful person like you can’t let a little „no“ upset him. Rejections happen, but the only way to avoid them is to not take chances. And how boring life would be if you never stretched your neck. Use this as an excuse to draw attention to yourself. Spend a little money to buy that thing you’ve been dreaming of for a long time, and turn the free time for friends into the time of solitude.. You’ll probably like it.
Your mood today will be very caustic and sarcastic, which will affect your personal life in a peculiar way. It will be quite difficult for your loved one to catch the wave of your mood, but if he still succeeds, the evening will be unforgettable.
It’s time to take stock of what you did right and what you didn’t. Admit your mistakes and understand that it is not too late to correct them and minimize losses. Make decisions independently, even if there is a danger of earning the disapproval of those around you. You will achieve a lot only if you do not doubt your own strengths and capabilities. Unfortunately, you will have to communicate not only with interesting and pleasant people, but also with very unsympathetic types. Stock up on patience – you will need it very, very much today.
It is high time to remember that health is not infinite. Keep it safe. Do not overload your body with heavy physical work. Success awaits you in creative pursuits. You will be able to turn everything to your advantage, even the biting remarks of the envious. It is quite possible that emotional outbursts will become a severe test for your psyche. Overall a successful day.
Patience is a virtue that does not necessarily appear on the list of your virtues. Don’t be bitter! Impatience can also be a virtue! It is what prevents you from catching a fly from inaction, or abandoning what you started in the middle. But at the given moment you must cultivate in yourself only patience. So start working on yourself, and don’t get upset if it doesn’t work right away…
Make sure you know exactly where friendship ends and love begins. Today it will be very easy for you to cross this border both to one side and to the other. You must know exactly what you are doing and what you need, otherwise everything can end in the most unpleasant way for you.
The day will require complex decisions. It’s time to take care of your relationships with partners and like-minded people, and ask yourself if you really want to keep them. The breakup would be very painful, but afterwards you will feel very calm, and you will have many new paths before you. But very often you will be haunted by thoughts that you did not live up to expectations and acted selfishly. Trust your intuition more than logic and other people’s advice. Other people will hardly be able to understand what your true aspirations and intentions are.
Today you will notice many interesting opportunities, the realization of which will give you a big advantage over your competitors. You can take on the bravest of them, because luck will be on your side. The day is very favorable for communication. Nothing interferes with your relationships with loved ones, and interesting acquaintances are very likely. You will have a lot of work that will require not only attention, but also a serious attitude, agility, ingenuity and willingness to take risks. Many undertakings on this day will be successful. Sometime around noon you will understand how you should act, and thanks to this you will be able to avoid mistakes.
To change the past is impossible, so you have to accept it and get used to it. What you did (or didn’t do) will fade in time, and that means it’s time to look forward and leave all the bad memories behind. While you wait for all the negative emotions to subside, your patience will help you overcome the most difficult, and the people who love you will distract you from inappropriate thoughts in the best way. Meet up with friends and keep reminding yourself that you have a wonderful future ahead of you.