Libra should not go online today.
Here is the horoscope of the „Llama“.
Not a bad day, largely conducive to the fulfillment of your wishes. Doubts are possible in the morning, but there will be no trace of them before lunch. This is a good time to systematically expand your knowledge (for example, philosophical or professional). The moment is also suitable for settling issues related to real estate in another city or abroad. You may successfully pass an interview. If you intend to operate with overseas partners or start a business there, be sure to follow the letter of the law and do not try to harm anyone. Foreign rights must be respected.
You try to succeed in everything, and therefore you do not manage to devote enough attention and time to any activity. This also applies to your personal life. If you have a loved one, be sure that this greatly offends him. And if you don’t have one, it won’t appear anytime soon: you simply won’t have the time, strength and energy for it.
Try today to be as confident as possible in your abilities. Only in this case will you receive the favor of a representative of the opposite sex interesting to you, or the necessary reaction of your current loved one. With patience and hard work, you will achieve everything you want.
A phone call will surprise you at the most inopportune moment Be sure to call! What they will tell you can significantly change your plans for the day, and even for life! It is quite possible that this will be another step towards that cherished day when Mendelssohn’s March will be played for you.
You should not think too long about the question of how serious and difficult to solve your problems are. You will be able to cope with many difficulties if you do not waste time on doubts, self-pity and idle talk. Today is not the best day for joint activity, but individually you can work very successfully. It may turn out that you have plans for the realization of which it will not be a pity to work hard. Your vital energy does not go unnoticed, and people in need of support will seek you out.
The day will be uncomfortable and tense. It will be difficult for you to get along with those around you, and you will suddenly realize that your loved ones do not share your views and have absolutely no intention of looking for a compromise solution. Don’t despair! Agreeing and reaching an opinion is a matter of waiting a little. Now you need to keep the peace and avoid conflicts. You may begin to doubt yourself, and subsequently give up many positive ideas that seem difficult to implement. Treat any decision this day calmly and do not consider it final: you will soon change your mind.
Try to tune in to a philosophical wave. You should not rush events, show impatience and discourage those around you. Delays in work should not bother you. They won’t prevent you from reaching your goal if you don’t start getting nervous and don’t make a bunch of mistakes. It is possible to overcome various long-standing disagreements with business partners, who will eventually understand that they can and should trust your opinion. An unexpected meeting will make you think about how thoughtful and correct the decisions you made recently regarding your personal life were. Now it is still possible to consider everything and give up.
It is good to relax and turn off the TV and the Internet for at least one evening.
You definitely don’t have enough new impressions. As a result, there is a desire to change your life, even if a little, and this „something“ can be anything that comes before your eyes, for example, a relationship with a person who sincerely loves you, and to whom you are practically very attached . Changes can be both positive and negative, as you will be guided exclusively by emotions. , fleeting desires and whims. Next to you is a person who is ready to prevent you from reckless actions, give you good advice and help to implement a successful plan. But you will persistently pursue your line, and as time will show – in vain…
In general, it is not at all necessary for you to meet your significant other today. In any case, you will know in advance what he can say to you and how he will react to your every action. After all, if you want to test your insight and get pleasure from such a relationship, then why not?
You will succeed at work if you manage to avoid skirmishes with competitors. Try to solve all problems diplomatically, and then you simply will not have equals. The day is suitable for discussing complex issues of any nature: you will be able to find the right tone, avoid ambiguous statements and convince your interlocutors of your rightness. If you are not yet sure of your feelings for a person (for example, because your novel has just started), be observant: today you will be able to notice something that can affect the further development of the relationship. If you take off the rose-colored glasses in time, you can avoid serious disappointments.
Today, together with your loved one, you will once again discover an amazing similarity of interests, identical episodes in your biographies and startling coincidences in the way of thinking. It is even possible to speak in chorus! But if so, then you can really call each other halves.
It seems to you that your partner has become too dependent on you, which significantly limits your freedom. If that suits you, keep it up. Otherwise, imply that you also have a right to your own life. In such a case, psychiatrists say: „Cut the umbilical cord.“