
A brutal personal tragedy befell Charlene DeCicco of Milf Manor on TLC

USA news

The show Milf manor on TLS topped the US charts in no time.
However, this is arguably one of the most scandalous shows on TV right now.

There were calls for it to be taken off the air because it went viral.
This will hardly take into account the advertising revenue.


In the show, 8 women between the ages of 40 and 60 stay in a Mexican villa waiting to meet love there in the face of young men between 20 and 30 years old. It turns out that these are their sons.

Among the participants, however, Charlene DeCicco stands out.

She quickly became a crowd favorite.
Behind the pleasant and human vision, however, lies a cruel tragedy.
On March 18, 2021, her 27-year-old daughter Ashley Caruso passed away suddenly.
Charlene’s whole world is turned upside down.
Her daughter’s plans to study interior design at the University of San Francisco did not materialize.
Charlene says she’s on the show because of Ashley. “She wants me to be happy. I know she would like me to be in love.
Ashley’s father is Nick Caruso, who died at the age of 45.
Charlene, who lives in Hollywood, has 4 more children, 2 of which are from the late Nick Caruso – Nicholas Caruso, Alyssa Caruso.
She has two other children, Harrison Bock and Dara Perrin.

Charlene is 46 years old. She was born in New Jersey. She worked as a nurse and is now an actress.

Here are the comments from viewers:
She’s my favourite on the show can’t stand the blonde one who thinks the world evolves around her

She’s a very nice lady….and miss mexico…the blonde is a gross piggy

I think the show is immoral. If we had a show with 50 and 60-year-old men trying to date our 21-year-old daughters!
And to intentionally match up each others, sons you’re just looking for drama. It’s a dysfunctional immoral show

Disgusting. What if this was switched older men and young girls. Really!

You pushed this show too far !!!
Mothers dating each others sons. Turned it off as soon as it was revealed and will never watch.

Guess I’m a minority opinion. I found the show disturbing at first then interesting, however if it was fathers and their daughters I might be 😠outraged. Men have been in these type of relationship for centuries. Guess it not going to last long in its current format due to the backlash TLC is receiving. Do you all know how difficult it is to find and date a man when you hit the 50+ range. I give these woman high 5.

This show is disgusting. I can’t believe this show made it on air.

I’m 39, my son is 21!!! I would just die if this happened to me.

I knew this was what the show was going to end up being about. I get that men date women that much younger than them but it seems like such a bait and switch these women wanted younger men but I don’t think they wanted babies. And I’m pretty sure the guys didn’t want their moms involved. And they knew both the young ones and the old ones were going on a dating show and they didn’t make the connection? Unbelievable.

Disgusting 🤮 show . They are teenagers for goodness sake . Skin and bones no muscles. Gave it a try but never again will I watch it.



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